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Common questions

[trx_title type=”3″ style=”underline” align=”left” top=”small” bottom=”null”]Perguntas frequentes[/trx_title]
[trx_tabs style=”1″ initial=”1″ top=”small” bottom=”huge”][trx_tab title=”O SIC” tab_id=”sc_tab_1462539542_2_45″ id=”sc_tab_1462539542_2_45″][trx_columns count=”3″ margins=””][trx_column_item][trx_accordion initial=”1″][trx_accordion_item title=”O que é o SIC?”]

The Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) is a body under the Ministry of Interior of Angola, created to make the fight against crime more efficient, with a view to building a more harmonious society.

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Please access the page contacts

[/trx_accordion_item][/trx_accordion][/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][/trx_column_item][/trx_columns][/trx_tab][trx_tab title=”Queixas” tab_id=”sc_tab_1462539605843_3″ id=”sc_tab_1462539605843_3″][trx_columns count=”3″ margins=””][trx_column_item][trx_accordion][trx_accordion_item title=”O que é a Queixa Electrónica?”]

The Electronic Complaint System is intended to facilitate the submission of complaints and denouncements electronically to the competent authorities regarding certain types of crime.

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Any citizen may file a complaint, that is, individuals, duly identified, national or foreign, residing in Angola.

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In the complaint, the facts are reported but the declaration of intent is not presented.
A complaint is an account of the facts accompanied by a statement in which the victim expresses a desire to have the perpetrator prosecuted in court. This declaration can be made even when it is not yet known who the perpetrator of the crime is.

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In the complaint, the facts are reported but the declaration of intent is not presented.
A complaint is an account of the facts accompanied by a statement in which the victim expresses a desire to have the perpetrator prosecuted in court. This declaration can be made even when it is not yet known who the perpetrator of the crime is.

[/trx_accordion_item][trx_accordion_item title=”A denúncia pode ser anónima?”]

The report may be anonymous. However, it is recommended that you introduce your identification, in order to give a better follow-up and treatment to the process.
After we verify the veracity of the complaint, you will be contacted by an Agent of the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC).

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Natural persons, national or foreign, residing in Angola. The submission of a complaint may be anonymous.
Through this page, citizens can report a situation in which they feel aggrieved, about any action taken by another person or entity, thus seeking the support of the police authorities.
