Common questions

What is SIC?

The Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) is a body under the Ministry of Interior of Angola, created to make the fight against crime more efficient, with a view to building a more harmonious society.

How to contact the SIC?

Please access the page contacts

What is Electronic Complaint?

The Electronic Complaint System is intended to facilitate the submission of complaints and denouncements electronically to the competent authorities regarding certain types of crime.

Who can file a complaint?

Any citizen may file a complaint, that is, individuals, duly identified, national or foreign, residing in Angola.

What is the difference between a complaint and a complaint?

In the complaint, the facts are reported but the declaration of intent is not presented.
A complaint is an account of the facts accompanied by a statement in which the victim expresses a desire to have the perpetrator prosecuted in court. This declaration can be made even when it is not yet known who the perpetrator of the crime is.

What is the difference between a complaint and a complaint?

In the complaint, the facts are reported but the declaration of intent is not presented.
A complaint is an account of the facts accompanied by a statement in which the victim expresses a desire to have the perpetrator prosecuted in court. This declaration can be made even when it is not yet known who the perpetrator of the crime is.

Can the report be anonymous?

The report may be anonymous. However, it is recommended that you introduce your identification, in order to give a better follow-up and treatment to the process.
After we verify the veracity of the complaint, you will be contacted by an Agent of the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC).

Who can file a complaint?

Natural persons, national or foreign, residing in Angola. The submission of a complaint may be anonymous.
Through this page, citizens can report a situation in which they feel aggrieved, about any action taken by another person or entity, thus seeking the support of the police authorities.
